ARC000321 Lecture 1 A Historical Archaeology and the Modern World.pptx
ARC000321 Lecture 10 Dutch Colonial Archaeology the Cape of Good Hope.ppt
ARC000321 Lecture 11 West Africa and the Atlantic Slave Trade.ppt
ARC000321 Lecture 12 African American Plantation Life.ppt
ARC000321 Lecture 13 Colonial Australia.ppt
ARC000321 Lecture 15 Industrializing Cities.ppt
ARC000321 Lecture 2 Making Archaeology Postcolonial.ppt
ARC000321 Lecture 3 The Spanish in the New World Part 1.ppt
ARC000321 Lecture 4 The Spanish in the New World Part II Mesoamerica South America.ppt
ARC000321 Lecture 8 The French in North America Part II Louisiana.ppt
ARC000321 Lecture 9 Dutch Colonial Archaeology The New Netherland.ppt
ARC00321 Lecture 7 The French in North America Part I Acadia and Canada.ppt